Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Holding court with THE LAWYER - Part 1 of 2

[Streetball’s Finest  – 3.13.13] – Holding court with THE LAWYER - Part 1 of 2

Inks: FLASH aka g_sk1lls 
Images: Lennon Alvarez (via email and Facebook)

AND1 Ph’s latest installment of “Streetball’s Finest” shifts to Europe, as the blog spotlight focuses on one of Spain’s top streetballers – Lennon Alvarez aka THE LAWYER.

Currently one of AND1 Spain’s brand endorsers, The Lawyer hails from Usera, south of Madrid and started basketball at a very young age.  Lennon recalls “My father always been behind me to train..When I was only 4 years old he obliged me to go every Sunday at 8 in the morning to practice till I could beat him.”  Today, his 62-year old dad still goes to the court every Sunday – and while though he goes there alone, the younger Alvarez said “he’s all AND1 pimped up”.

This Spaniard is known for his playmaking ability and tremendous ball-handling skills.  He has been a fixture in the urban scene in Spain, having debuted during the 2005 AND1 Mixtape Tour Europe.  Since then, he has participated in the 2007 Basquet Square (EuroCup/FIBA/Madrid) and 2008 Sport Arena, aside from numerous other tournaments.

The Lawyer was kind enough to answer my questions that I sent via his email despite his busy schedule.  Here’s what he has got to share:

Flash: Who is Lennon Alvarez as a baller?  How did you get your nickname?
The Lawyer: “Lennon Alvarez and The Lawyer is exactly the same person - streetball is my lifestyle. My nickname was given by my friends from Max Cady (portrayed by Robert De Niro) in the movie Cape Fear. In it, Max wanted to kill the lawyer that got him jail.  It represents my fury once I am on the court.”

Check out the video clip below – Filipino DJ Rocky Rock (and producer of 
Gone Going album for The Black Eyed Peas) producing the song titled “The Lawyer

Flash: How and when did you get invited to join AND1 Spain?
The Lawyer: “In 2005 I had the chance to play against the AND1 team here in Madrid (at this time I was like 22.)”

Flash: Tell me more about your playing style – what sets you apart from the rest of the pack?
The Lawyer:  "I guess my game is based in what i feel, so i try always to make the game entertaining cause it makes me feel i want to play more and more. Plus it feels good when your fans are having fun.”

Flash: If you actually had to pay to watch one (1) streetballer play, who would that be and why?
The Lawyer: “I only have to answer one player?! (laughing)  I'd have to name a couple! First would be Alimoe, because in 2005 I didn't have the chance to play against him at the AND1 Europe Mixtape Tour. He left us not a long time ago (RIP – click HERE for the AND1 Ph blog article tribute) - and for me next to Skip to my Lou and A.O. they are/were the most complete players.  I would give all my money to see Rafer Alston LOL…if he wasn't there i wouldn't be either!!! Hehee.  Thanks to him, I exist as a streetball player and AND1 Philippines exists too... he brought streetball and AND1 to where it is.

Continuation of this article will be posted a full week from now (March 20).  For now, check out his in-game highlights via the Youtube video posted below.  The Lawyer will be talking about his NBA experiences, favorite AND1 pair, and more in Part 2.  Stay tuned, AND Juans!

[UPDATE - 3.20.13] - Click HERE to read part 2 of this article.

1 comment:

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