Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Remembering Tyrone “Alimoe” Evans

[Streetball’s Finest  – 2.26.13] – Remembering Tyrone “Alimoe” Evans

Inks: FLASH aka g_sk1lls 
Images: Various sources

Today marked a very sad day for basketball fans everywhere, as former AND1 Mixtape standout Tyrone “Alimoe” Evans A.K.A. The Black Widow passed away.  Initially introduced worldwide in AND1 Mixtape Tour Volume 6, the Harlem-born streetball legend reportedly died due to a seizure, most likely complications from his bout with diabetes (this according to his close friend and another AND1 Mixtape player Aaron “AO” Owens via Instagram).

Nicknamed the Black Widow, the 6’8” Evans was fondly remembered for his crazy handles despite his lanky frame, as well as his electrifying dunks.  Fellow AND1 Mixtape Volume 6 alum, Troy “Escalade” Jackson has also passed away back in February 2011 (click  HERE for related article).

Alimoe’s former AND1 teammates have been overcome by grief and shock with his sudden passing, and their reactions have resounded online, via Twitter and Instagram, where they posted images of him and offered their messages of condolences.  Posted below are some of their reactions.
Baby Shaq
Hot Sauce

I’ve posted some Alimoe images and Youtube videos below, and in behalf of the AND1 Ph family, we offer a quiet moment for one of the most influential streetball legends in And1 history.

R.I.P. Alimoe.  Gone…but not forgotten.

During his heyday, The Black Widow regularly destroyed the competition with 
his crazy handles, sick dimes, and flair for the spectacular plays.

Alimoe's ballhandling skills were legendary.

Alimoe provided insights and a dribbling tutorial for 
aspiring basketball players, as shown in video below.

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